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  "Most ethnically Chinese [on the island] have a very hard time adjusting to China. They are attracted to some aspects of the country, but they don't see themselves living there. Everything [in their life] is in France, so they don't see themselves starting from scratch in China," he said.



  His family have been unusually supportive of his life-changing move, especially his grandfather, who was extremely happy to see one of his relatives returning to China.



  His grandfather was just 14 years old when he went to Reunion Island from South China's Guangdong Province in search of prosperity. It is also where he married Cheung-Ah-Seung's grandmother, one of the island's third-generation Chinese residents.


  His grandfather first found work as a manual laborer, then later started up his own business. Now his family of Reunion Island are involved in a variety of sectors: logistics, transportation, banking, construction equipment trading and even real estate.

  李和成说爷爷来法国的时候,正值中国的环境比较复杂,法国留尼汪岛刚刚被开发,百废待兴,工作机会非常多。因为天他爷爷初来留尼汪的时候因为不会说法语,需要靠劳动力才能生存, 基本上做快递的工作,生活的压力很大。之后爷爷开始创业,建立了一个物流公司,在这个基础上家族开始从事了物流,运输,房地产开发相关的事业。

  He is happy that his family is doing well in France, but feels confident that"China is once again becoming the next first economy of the world. I say again because, a few hundred years ago, China was the first country in the world. Now China is getting back to that position,"he said.

  虽然在岛上有着自己的家族事业,李和成还是想回到中国发展,因为自己的根在这里。“吸引我回来的还是来源,我们的根在那里。我一直觉得至少我的一半是来自中国的,所以我一直想探索这一半的我。 跟我的祖国去创造新的联系。”



  He also expressed his enthusiasm that China is now exporting its original technology, businesses, ideas and products everywhere in the world instead of relying on the West for such innovations. He specifically cited Chinese mobile payment apps as having impressed many of his friends and family back in France.


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