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  JS Cheung-Ah-Seung was born in southern France and grew up on Reunion Island in the Indian Ocean. It is 10,000 kilometers from France, pretty much the same distance from China. His father is ethnically Chinese and his mother is French.

  80后的李和成出生在法国的留尼汪岛, 父亲是法籍华人,母亲是法国人。岛上居住着4%的华侨,但是基本都不会说汉语了。

  Cheung-Ah-Seung's Chinese name, Li Hecheng, was given to him by his grandfather, who arrived on the island as a 14-year-old. Growing up in a purely French educational system, Cheung-Ah-Seung couldn't read or write his name in Chinese until 2008, when the 23-year-old came to China specifically to learn Chinese.

  Many foreigners who live in China only expect to stay for a year or so before returning home or moving on to the next country. But for Cheung-Ah-Seung, he intended to spend at least as much time in China as he already had abroad."Because I am half-Chinese half-French, I've spent 23 years of my life in France, so I have to now spend at least 23 years in China,"he told the Global Times.

  李和成的名字他爷爷给起名的,因为他父母已经不会说中文了。他小的时候都不会念这个字,直到2008年的时候,23 岁的他来中国学习中文后再知道怎么念自己的名字。现在他在中国已经待了近10年,并且很确定将继续待下去。


  Though his family, while living on the island, held on to some traditional Chinese roots such as cooking and celebrating Chinese festivals, his first encounter with real China was in 1997, at the age of 12, when they traveled here. The trip became a turning point in his life, as it was then that he made the decision to someday live and study in China.


  He recalls that what really impressed him during that first trip to China was the "optimism" of the country and its people. Walking down the developing city streets, he was struck by just how bustling it all was, night and day.

  "I felt the power of all these people brought together and the fact that it seemed that there would be no limit," he said."In Europe, everybody feels yesterday was better and that tomorrow will be worse and worse. But in China, you could feel this energy that everybody is thinking tomorrow is going to be better and better."

  “我看到路上有很多自行车,有很多人在工作,夜以继日。我感到很多积极的力量让你相信明天会更好。但是在欧洲,每个人都觉得昨天才是最好的,对未来有点悲观。” 他说。

  In 2008, he went to Beijing to study Chinese at Beijing Language and Culture University and receive a master's degree of business administration at �Tsinghua University. "Because I wanted to be in a country where everybody around me thinks and believes the future will be better than the past."

  Today, he lives in Shanghai and has launched several businesses in food and beverage, strategy business consulting and commerce trade between France and China. This year he launched a new business, La Qu�te Sucr�e: introducing the �clair, a traditional French pastry, to the Chinese, which he expects will be a big hit given the Chinese newfound love of baked goods and sweet cakes.


  One of the biggest differences he has found between living in China and on Reunion Island ishow efficient and streamlined China has become.

  "Everything goes extremely fast," he said. "You can find everything you want online and have it delivered to your home."


  He said most ethnically Chinese adults his age back on Reunion Island would only dare travel to other parts of France such as Paris or other nearby European countries; few that he knew had traveled to China and even less would be willing to live here.

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