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豪情是使航船扬帆的骤风,无意偶尔也使它浸没,但不风,船就不克不及提高。Pride is the sudden wind to ship set sail, sometimes make it flooded, but not the wind, the ship will not be able to move forward。

20、不论天资有多麽高,他仍需学会了伎俩来宏扬那些天资。No matter how much talent, he still need to learn the skills to play those talents。

21、天下即是一座供奉不和谐之神的宏壮神庙。The world is a sacrifice not coordinate of the grand temple of god。

22、伟大的事业必要不停不渝的精力。A great career needs unswerving spirit。

23、对付亚当而言,天国是他的家;然而对付亚当的后嗣而言,家是他们的地狱。For Adam, heaven is his home; However for the seed of Adam, the home is a paradise for them。

24、雪崩时,不有一片雪花觉得本人有情务。No snowflake avalanche, feel obligated。

25、要在这个全国上取得告捷,就必需贯彻不停;剑至弃世都不能离手。To win in this world, it is necessary to carry out always; Sword to death can off hand。

26、当一团体无话可说时,肯定说得颇为低劣。When a person have nothing to say, must speak very poor。

27、有学问的傻瓜,要远比无知的傻瓜还要痴呆。The learned fool, are far more foolish than an ignorant fool。

28、我们在这世上工夫不多,不值得在可鄙的暴徒的脚下蒲伏。We don't have much time in this world, not worth it at the foot of a contemptible wretch。

29、天分的力气大于教诲的实力。The endowment is stronger than the power of teaching。

30、令人疲顿的不是远方的平川,而是鞋子里的一粒沙子。Make the person tired not far away mountains, but a grain of sand in your shoe。

31、要当个无聊美男的决窍即是把甚么都讲进去。To be a boring man's secret is to tell everything。

32、尊严是我们生活生计之器材;它相似物种永存的工具;它是必需的,它对我们是贵重的,它给我们快乐,它必需隐藏起来。Self-esteem is the tool of we reserve; It tool of similar species forever; It is a must, it is precious to us, it gives us happy, it must be hidden。

33、纵然不有上帝,也要创造一名天主。Even if there were no god, also want to create a god。

34、对亚当,天堂是他的家,而他的儿女,家便是地狱。For Adam, heaven is his home, and his descendants home is paradise。

35、当咱们第一遍读一本好书的时候,咱们似乎觉得找到了一个朋侪;当咱们再次读这本好书的时刻,宛如以各老友好相逢。When the first time we read a good book, as if we find a friend; When we read the book again, as if to meet old friends。

36、顽强的决心信念,能使平凡的人做出惊人的事业。Strong confidence, can make the ordinary people to make amazing career。

37、几个苍蝇咬几口,决不能羁留一匹斗胆的奔马。A few flies bite a few mouth, must not hold a heroic horse gallop。

上一篇:书读得多而不思考,你会觉得自己知道的很多。 下一篇:预言从来都只是为大人物而作的,小民无此必要