分类:为人处事 热度:

地球—“母亲”尴尬,人类—“后辈”羞愧。The earth - "mother", human - "children" ashamed。

44、同铺张,不浪费,有限本钱无量用;尚低碳,减排放,惠及子孙福份长。With frugal, do not waste, use limited resources is infinite; Low carbon, emissions reduction, Sun Fuze long benefit。

45、倡导低碳生活,施行节能减排,构建环保相识,发明锦绣故土。Advocate low carbon life, the implementation of energy conservation and emissions reduction, set up environmental protection consciousness, creating a better home。

46、发明绿色时尚,拥抱绿色糊口。To create green fashion, embrace green living。

47、峻厉实验节能减排律例标准,倔犟查处违法违规举止。Strict implementation of the energy conservation and emissions reduction law standard, resolutely investigate violation behavior。

48、低碳生活生计是初踪,荣幸保留是终点。Low carbon life is a starting point, a happy life is the end。

49、我们为天然老本越来越少而哀痛,地球为咱们破欠佳资本而饮泣。We sad for fewer and fewer natural resources, the destruction of resources cry for us。

50、门前院后种棵树,室内阳台养盆花,康健幸运到你家。In front of the hospital after the kind of tree, indoor the balcony a potted flower, health and happiness to your home。

51、享用低碳保存,与自然重建和谐,拥抱绿色生计,与地球重修旧好。Rebuild harmony enjoy low carbon life, and nature, and embrace the green life, mend fences with the earth。

上一篇:人类为什么总把环境意识抛在脑后。Why do humans 下一篇:亲爱的老师,您那赤诚的爱,唤醒了多少迷惘,