分类:为人处事 热度:

酷好我们的母亲,不要再让她悲哀与消极!Love our mother, don't let her sad and disappointed!

2、神州发展科学化,经济状况一起抓。西风又绿江南岸,低碳环保靠人人。The shenzhou scientific development, economic and environment together。 The spring breeze and green river south bank, low carbon environmental protection depends on everybody。

3、暗暗地我走了,正如我微微地来。I gently walked, as I gently came。

4、多栽一棵树,就给人类多平增一丝保存的盼愿。Plant a tree, give human more add a little hope of survival。

5、花儿以花香回报我们,咱们只要脚下包涵。Flowers to flowers returns, we just at the foot of mercy。

6、保护状况,要你尤为留神,非常尽心,尤其有意。Protect the environment, to you very, very careful, very considerate。

7、抉择低碳,决议安康,决议节能,决意但愿。Choose low carbon, health, energy saving, choose hope。

8、喝腌臜的水,呼吸鲜嫩的氛围,这需求您每时每刻爱惜环境!Drink clean water, breathe fresh air, this requires you to care for the environment all the time!

9、养育学生回护情况的自发性,养成垃圾分类收受接管的好习尚。To cultivate students the consciousness of environment protection, form the good habit of garbage sorting recycling。

10、人类只有一个可生息的乡村——地球,保护情况是每个村民的使命。Only one human interest-bearing village - the earth, protect the environment is the responsibility of each of the villagers。

11、人类紧要的是绿色,只有保护好状况,能耐拥有绿色。Human need is green, and only protect the environment, to have green。

12、保护环境卫生,减少生活污染,共建大度故土。To protect the environment health, reduce the pollution of life and to build better homes。

13、快快行动起来,保护自然生态!Quick action, protect the natural ecological!

14、绿化是咱们生活生计的祈望,优化是我们做人的基本。Green is our survival hope, beautification is fundamental to our life。

15、为了人类一块儿的未来,必须保护与合理应用好水利润。In order to the future of human beings, and the rational use of water resources must be protected。

上一篇:、尊重他人的、有责任感的孩子,产生于爱和管 下一篇:心动不如行动,去怨不如去干。Echocardiography ac