分类:励志名言 热度:

1、无论人生多倒运,聪明的人总会从中失掉一点优点;岂论人生多恶运,愚蠢的人总觉得无量伤心。——拉·罗休弗克  No matter how unfortunate life, smart people will always get a little interest; No matter how happy life, stupid people always feel infinite sorrow.
2、最甜美的是爱情,最甘美的也是爱情。——菲·贝利  The sweetest is 爱情, the most bitter is 恋情.
3、对于成功的笃信不疑往往会导致真正的成功。——弗洛伊德  For successful entails that often leads to true success.
4、酷好科学便是热爱真谛,句子网http://www.qqzf.cn因此,本份是科学家的主要美德。——费尔巴哈  Love science is love truth, therefore, honesty is the main virtue of scientists.
5、有高尚思想的人永不会寂寞的。——西德尼  People with noble ideas will never be lonely.
6、在笨蛋感触人生难题的时刻,贤人看起来容易;而当笨伯感触简单的时分,贤者就觉得艰难。——歌德  When stupid life difficult, sage looks easy; And when a fool who feel easy, sage was difficult.
7、利器完弗成的任务,钝器常能派上用场。——狄更斯  Sharp finish work, can often be blunt come in handy.
8、在人生的路程上,当你的盼愿一个个没抓住的时辰,你也要动摇,要自由。——朗费罗  On the way of life, when your hope frustrated, you also be firm, to be calm.
9、我劝天公重感奋,各种各样降干才。——龚自珍  I urge the god alive, promising talents.
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